Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-Political Science Al-(USA) Political Science Fascism Set-USA Political Science U.S.S.R Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science International Relations and World Organizations Set-(USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-(USA) Political Science Democracy Set-(USA) Political Science Al-(USA) Political Science Development Theories and Under Development set/2 Sample Test,Sample questions

  According to Adam Smith the division of labour contributes to development because:

1. It leads to an increase in dexterity among workers

2. It leads to reduction in production time

3.It leads to invention of better machines and equipment

4.All the above factors

  According to Adam Smith the wage rtes fall to the subsistence level:

1.Under stationary conditions

2.During periods of capital accumulation

3.Under both the above stated conditions

4.Under none of the above stated conditions

  According to the classical theory of development  the development of a country depends on:

1.Land labour and capital

2. Labour capital and technology

3.Technology and capital

4.Labour and technology

  Marx believed that spread of capitalism throughout the world had led to:



3.Development in some parts and underdevelopment in other parts

4.None of the above

  Marxian theory of development was essential:

1. An economic theory

2.A political theory

3.A socio-economic theory

4.A blend of socio-economic and political factors

  Radical underdevelopment theory:

1. Opposed traditional Marxism

2.Supported the stand of traditional Marxists

3.Effect some modifications in the stand of traditional Marxists

4.All the above

  Schumpeter is associated with:

1.Neo-classical theory of development

2.Narxian theory of development

3.Theory of entrepreneur

4.None of the above

  Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a defect of Schumpeter s theory?

1.He wrongly asserts that capitalism is crumbling and socialism is likely to replace it

2.enterprise as a phenomenon common to all social organisations

3.His assumption that all innovations are financed by borrowings is not correct because banks generally provide only short-term loans

4.None of the above

 According to Ricardo the key role in economic development is played by:

1.The Labourers

2.The landlords

3. The capitalists

4.The scientists

 If political leadership fails to emerge  there is likelihood of military taking over power in developing countries. Radical student groups or labour may try to raise revolution but they are not likely to compete with the military. Military intervention  rule and withdrawal from politics is clearly related to a society s level of political development.  In the context of Political Development the assumption in the above passage is that:

1.Political leadership is not an effective instrument

2.Military intervention is inevitable for development

3.National integration results from military intervention

4.Military is an agent of social change

 Schumpeter held that significant advances in national production occur by disharmonious leaps and spurts. This idea was:

1.His original contribution

2.Borrowed by him from Marx

3. Borrowed by Schumpeter from neo-classical thinkers

4.None of the above

 The chief defect of the neo-Classical theory of development is:

1. It attaches too much importance to factors like political stability and attitude of the people

2. It completely ignores factors like political stability and attitudes of people

3. It refused to consider development as a gradual and continuous process

4. It completely ignores the importance of interest as a factor in establishing equilibrium between supply of savings and demand for capital

 The Entrepreneur theory of development holds that:

1.Talented type of individuals play an important role in development

2.Rich capitalists play an important role in development

3.Rich people with the help of some enterprising persons contribute to development

4.None of the above

 The entrepreneurs undertake new development activities :

1.By investing their savings

2. By roping in rich capitalists

3.By securing credit from the banks

4.By securing grants from the government

 The new-classical writers believed that economic development benefits:

1.All the major income groups

2.Only the capitalists

3.Only the workers

4.None of the above

 Which one of the following classical thinkers based the development theory on the prinicple of population?


2.Adam Smith

3.J.S Mill

4. All the above

 Which one of the following features has been wrongly listed as one of the ingredient of Marxian theory of development?


2.Theory of surplus value

3.Centralisation of capital

4.None of the above

 Who saw a close relationship between underdevelopment and expansion of capitalism?

1.Radical structuralist


3.None of the two

4.Both of the above

According to Adam Smith the division of labour contributes to development:

1.When the market demand is sufficiently large

2.When the market is small

3.When the market is neither too small nor too large

4.Urder all types of markets

According to Schumpeter the entrepreneurs contribute to development by:

1.Quickly catering to the tastes of the consumers

2.Bringing about changes in the tastes of consumers

3.Providing the existing goods at the lowest price

4.All the above actions

An underdeveloped country is one which has good potential prospects for using:

1.More capital

2.More labour

3.More available natural resources

4.All the above

Generally the periphery countries are dependent on the centre for:

1.Raw materials


3.Manufactured goods

4.All the above

Hansen argued that as compared to the nineteenth century the development at present suffered from two limitations viz:

1.Shifting frontiers and growing population

2.Decline in purchasing capacity and growing unemployment

3.Technological changes and presence of large labour force

4.Growing population and prevailing unemployment

Hansen used the theory of Economic Maturity to examine the problems arising:

1.In the wake of World War I

2.In the wake of World War II

3. In the wake of economic crisis of thrties

4.In the sixties

is not correct?

1.It underestimated the possibility of technological progress

2. It failed to adequately analyze the problem of maintaining aggregate demand

3. It attached too much importance to the role of technology in development

4.None of the above

Lenin held that the export of capital tends to:

1. Arrest development in capital importing countries

2. Arrest development in capital exporting countries

3.Arrest development in capital importing as well as capital exporting countries

4.None of the above

Marx in his writings:

1.Paid no attention to the issue of underdevelopment

2.Paid great attention to the issue of underdevelopment

3. Emphasized that capitalism was respobsible for underdevelopment

4.None of the above

Marxian theory depicts the development of human society on the basis of:

1.Historical materialism

2.Social engineering

3.Natural holding

4.Unfolding of natural law

Marxian theory of development:

1.Was essentially an economic theory

2.Was essentially a socio-economic theory

3.Was a blend of economic sociological political factors

4.None of the above

Non-classical theory of development became necessary:

1.Due to technological and resource discoveries of the nineteenth century

2. Deu to fast deteriorating condition of the workers in Europe

3.Due to fear of revolution created by the preaching s Marx

4.Due to all the above reasons

The capital accumulation which according to Marx  contributes to development is rendered possible by:

1.Technological improvement

2.Reduction of wages

3.Increase in working hours

4.None of the above

The classical economicts opposed government interference because:

1.It keeps prices of food high by levying high tariffs

2.It subsidized the poor

3.It encouraged overpopulation

4.On account of all the above reasons

The classical thinkers envisaged development:

1.With the assistance of the government

2.Without interference by the government

3.Under the guidance of the government

4.Though the combination of all the above methods

The labour theory of value which formed one of the feature of theory of development offered by Racardo was:

1.His original idea

2.Borrowed from Adam Smith

3.Borrowed from Marx

4.None of the above

The Mandan theory of development was greatly influenced by:

1.The English classical school

2.The German historical school

3. By both the above schools

4.By none of the above two schools

The most elaborate exposition of classical theory of development was offered by:

1.Adam Smith


3.J.S. Mill


The neo-classical thinkers:

1. Reiterated their faith in the people that wages are determined by supply and demand

2.Asserted that the wages are determined by the productivity of the last worker employed

3.Asserted that the wages of workers had consistently increased

4.None of the above

The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817) which deals with the classical theory of development was written by:


2.Adam Smith

3. J.S. Mill


The Theory of Economic Maturity carried froward the ideas worked in The General Theory of Employment  Interest and Money by:

1.Adam Smith




Theory of Economic Maturity regarding development is associated with:



3.Alvin Hansen

4. All the above

Which of following thinkers built up theory of development around theory wages and rent?



3.Adam Smith

4.None of the above

Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a feature of model of development offered by neo-classical thinkers?

1.Development is a gradual and continuous process

2.The process of development has harmonious and cumulative nature

3.They are quite optimistic about the possibilities of continued economic progress

4.None of the above

Which one of the following points of criticism levelled against Marx s theory of development is wrong?

1.Marx wrongly argued that it is in capitalists interest to maintain in part of labour force permanently unemployed to keep wages low

2.Mandan theory finds a contradiction in the retention of surplus value by the capitalist and increase in the real wages

3.It wrongly assumes that the wages of workers under capitalism remain near subsistence level and there is no scope for their increased

4.None of the above

Which one of the following put forth classical theory of development?





Which one of the following statements is correct?

1.Neo-classical thinkers were against existing privileges

2.Neo-classical thinkers justified the existing social order

3.Neo-classical thinkers revolutionaries

4.None of the above

Which one of the following writers attributed the growth of social products to division of labour?

1.Adam Smith

2.Herbert Spencer

3.Karl Marx

4.All the above

Who considered saving as a necessary condition for economic development?

1.Adam Smith



4.All the above

Who expressed the opinion that  he developed countries were never underdeveloped through they may have been underdeveloped?


2.A.C. Frank


4.None of the above

Who looked upon economic development as a race between capital accumulation and population growth?

1.Marxian writers

2.Classical writers

3.Neo-classical writers

4.All the three

Who offered the agrument that the population grows whenever workers  wages rise above subsistence level?

1.Adam Smith



4.None of the above


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